What is a Reach Truck?

Find information about a Reach truck including its aisle requirement. Reach truck help you save space in your warehouse by being highly maneuverable and using a reach mechanism to reach out and pick up a pallet, then retract to make the lift truck smaller to turn in a narrower aisle. This type of forklift is called a narrow aisle forklift working in a 9 foot aisle or less.

Lift Trucks Explained – A Materials Handling Primer

New to materials handling? Thinking about buying a lift truck and were wondering about the different types and uses of material handling equipment? Here is primer on the various types and uses of what most people refer to as “forklifts”.

Pareto’s Law and the 80-20 Rule for the Warehouse

Deciding on the best storage media is key to efficient warehousing. Warehouse management expert and author, Stuart Emmett defines a warehouse as “a planned space for the storage and handling of goods”.   So if he is right, how do you plan storage?  What tools do you use to determine the best storage media?  The …