11 Ways To Reduce Forklift Accidents In Your Facility

Since the invention of Youtube, Vimeo and other online video websites that store and play videos on demand, CEO’s down to the warehouse safety coordinators have all watched various videos where forklift operators have been the cause of horrific accidents.  These video’s pop up in cycles each year and cause everyone to review and evaluate …

What is Profiling for the Warehouse?

Warehouse profiling is the process of sorting through the ABC analysis, assessing the distribution center size, picking methodology (consolidated, velocity, family, batch, random), warehouse product characteristics (cube, weight, stackability), cube usage (slot openings), heuristic best case analysis (selecting storage options). Once profiling of a warehouse is complete, a distribution center manager can recommend the best layout and make the warehouse layout flexible. With this, he will have a list of storage types, number of units and the SKU assigned to storage types.