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spacing between pallets
Pallets with product are how long in inches?
upright width
Pallets with product are how wide in inches?
flue space
Pallets are how tall in inches?
lift off
Warehouse is how tall in feet?
load beam thickness
Storage area is how wide?
Storage area is how long?
Square feet of the building
aisle (inches)
Pallets deep
Square fee
t per pallet footprint sit-down
Pallets Stored
Square fee
t per pallet footprint stand up
Number of pallets stored with this type of truck
Length single deep sit-down forklift
Square fee
t per pallet footprint reach
Length single deep stand-up forklift
Square fee
t per pallet footprint swing reach
Length single deep reach forklift
Square fee
t per pallet footprint deep reach
Length single deep swing reach forklift
Length double deep reach forklift
Square fee
t per pallet stored sit down
Square fee
t per pallet stored stand up
Square fee
t per pallet stored reach
Levels (whole number)
Square fee
t per pallet stored swing reach
Square fee
t per pallet stored deep reach
Square feet of storage unit sitdown
Square feet of storage unit stand-up
Square feet of storage unit reach
Square feet of storage unit swing reach
Square feet of storage unit deep reach